No matter what your marriage was like, no matter how terrible it might have seemed at the time, divorce is never a happy process for either party. When a marriage fails, and things don’t work out, no matter how bad things might have been, many individuals will often look back on the good times, and the reasons they got married in the first place. This can lead to emotional distress, trauma and much more. But in the end, as you decide to follow through with the divorce then comes the logistical issues and the storm of negotiations to come – from living arrangements, custody issues, to spousal payments and the distribution of assets. As the best family lawyer Miami has practicing, Steven Veinger, Esq. has helped countless couples and individuals through their divorce proceedings and no matter how amicable the divorce was in the beginning, it seemingly always turned into a bloody, often gruesome battle in the end. The most important thing during any divorce proceedings is to keep your wits about you and make sure to make smart, sound decisions, as when emotions get involved and divorce happens men and women alike can often think irrationally and just want to do whatever they can to end things quickly. Having a smart, experienced lawyer on your side like Mr. Veinger can ensure you make the right decision and don’t jump to certain conclusions that will harm you in the end. To better help you understand the divorce process and to ensure you get the most out of your situation, here are 5 important things to know.
· A Win May Not Always Seem Like a Win
When entering into a divorce proceeding, either side is always looking to beat their opponent or former spouse, but truth be told, during a divorce, there is an extremely thin line between winning and losing. In fact, in many divorces, neither side can even be considered the winner – considering how many moving parts and issues are on the table for discussion. From child custody, child support, alimony and other financial support, to the division of assets and property – you will often win some and lose on others. As the best family lawyer Miami has to offer, Mr. Veinger can simply do his best to ensure as many as your demands are met as possible and you walk away with an outcome that works best for you.
· Think Before You Act
As issue with divorce is that some people are so sick of the other person that they just want to be done with things and finally have their freedom. This can lead them to make poor choices and bad decisions. Its best to think things through and consult your attorney. Sometimes the most patient person is the one who wins out in the end.
· Be Smart About Children
The fact is that just because you and your spouse are separating, you will always be linked if you have children – plus they will and should always have a relationship with your ex-spouse, no matter how you feel about them, as long as they are safe to be around and have their best interests in mind. Don’t talk badly about your spouse around the kids, this is an awful way to deal with things. Do what’s best for the kids, and don’t ever use them as pawns to get what you want.
· Try to Avoid Court if Possible
As the best family lawyer Miami has practicing, Steven Veinger is not stranger to the courtroom, as a top litigator he has helped countless clients for a variety of trials and cases – but in all his experience, he would rather not see a family handle their issues in a courtroom, unless it’s necessary. Try your best to handle the situation and come to a resolution together, with your ex and if you need, get help from your attorneys in a mediation process.
· Prenups &Postnups Really Make a Difference
While this might be advice for before you get a divorce it really is important to know. When things are good, no one wants to think about getting a divorce and their marriage ending but it is definitely a possibility. As the best family lawyer Miami has to offer, Mr. Veinger also helps clients with drafting prenuptial and postnuptial agreements that can help them to protect their interests both during and after marriage. It is definitely something to think about with your spouse.
For more information on divorce issues or pre & postnuptial agreements, schedule your consultation with Mr. Veinger today.