3 Basics of Criminal Assault
From Florida’s Top Criminal Defense Attorney
In the legal world, cases and charges are broken into two very distinct categories, civil and criminal. Civil cases or claims are generally brought by one party or individual, who feels they were wronged in some form or fashion, against another individual or party, who they feel has wronged them. In civil cases, the “damaged” party is usually seeking some form of financial restitution of compensation for the harm that was done, or any losses they may have incurred as a result. While being on the wrong side of these cases can hurt you financially, criminal cases often have much worse implications. In a criminal case or claim, generally an individual is being accused of committing a criminal offense or crime, by law enforcement or a government body, whether it be the state or the federal government. In these cases, the defendant can be facing jail or prison time, hefty fines, community service and other forms of restitution to the government. In the event you are being charged with a criminal offense, it is vital that you seek help from a qualified criminal defense attorney like Miami’s own, Steven Veinger, Esq. considered the top criminal defense attorney in the state, Mr. Veinger and his team have helped countless individuals mount a strong and formative defense against charges that could have sent them away for year on end – either by fully proving his client’s innocence, or in tougher cases, obtaining a much shorter, more lenient sentence or punishment. At his firm, Mr. Veinger specializes in the defense of criminal assault cases, amongst other practice areas. And as some of the most difficult types of cases to advocate, it is vital to have an experienced criminal defense attorney to assist you in your assault and/or battery charges. Also, the more you know, and better you educate yourself on the matter, the more likely you are to obtain a favorable judgement and can actually lend assistance to your case. To help you understand the basics of criminal assault cases, here is some important information to know.
· The Criminal Assault
As a top criminal defense attorney, Mr. Veinger defines criminal assault as an intentional act that in some way, commits, or threatens to commit physical harm upon another individual. This means that an assault doesn’t have to necessarily entail the physical act of violence, but merely the threat of it. This is tricky to understand, as simply vocalizing a threat to “beat someone up” isn’t considered assault, but waving a fist or a weapon at someone, can be considered a threat of assault and thus, an assault.
· Assault & Battery
This is commonly discussed in the court of law, and these two crimes can be considered together or separately. Assault and battery occurs when the threat is made, and the physical harm is actually committed as well. Sometimes, prosecutors wont differentiate the two very much.
· Aggravated Assault
This is a more serious form of assault, making it a guaranteed felony charge. Generally, aggravated assault occurs in the presence of a weapon like a gun or a knife, of baseball bat. According to criminal defense attorney, Steven Veinger, aggravated assault also occurs when there is an intent to commit a serious crime, such as a rape – also in the event of two individuals in a relationship. Depending upon the severity, they can be defined as 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree assault as well.
In the event you are being charged with any form of criminal assault, it is vital that you seek out the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney, like Steven Veinger. For more info, or to schedule a legal consultation, be sure to contact the Law Offices of Steven Veinger today.